Thursday 24 May 2012


Although this was the fifth episode to enter production, it was actually originally released sixth to the heavy amount of reordering and restructuring of scenes necessary in order to make the story work.

The Dream Master had really been the "reinvention" of Season 26B - where we started using material from a wide range of sources to tell a story as opposed to restructuring an existing story to fit the Doctor Who enviroment.

So with Time of the Destroyer, we went that one step further and began to let the story tell itself. Prior stories had relied on the voice of K9 to explain to the audience what exactly was happening however this time we decided, in the true vein of Doctor Who, to keep it a mystery until the very end where our Villain explains everything himself.

This was also our first venture into proper chromakey. In the past, we had strayed away from it, besides a little bit of experimentation in The Dream Master. However now, in order to tell a story featuring Big Finish companion Lucie Miller, we really felt that this story needed to see Doctor and companion in scenes together.

Lucie would later return in our next story: The Curse of Renwick!

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